In the blog.

Weekly Toolbox Talk: COVID-19 Action Plan 2



Experts don't believe your reusable water bottle can spread the virus. But you should definitely be cleaning it diligently, regardless of an outbreak.  Prior to drinking from a new water bottle, be sure to inspect that the seal beneath the cap is secure and not broken.

  • Use your plastic water bottle for water only as other liquids can degrade the plastic more quickly. 
  • Do not remove the label, if the label falls off, drink the water and throw the bottle away as bottles without labels are not permitted.
  • Don't reuse bottles that have scratches which can trap bacteria. 
  • Dispose empty water bottles properly by throwing them in a trash container.
  • Do not drink from someone else’s bottle of water.
  • Do not leave water bottles half empty laying around for someone else to accidentally drink.

Cleaning your water bottle should be a regular habit. If you want to maintain the hygiene of your water bottles keep them clean or only grab them with your gloves.


To maintain the quality of the bottled water, we recommend bottles to be stored in a cool, clean, or shaded location, as any other packaged food product.


According to Harvard Health Publishing, you may not need to drink the recommended amount of water. Many factors can affect the amount of water your body needs each day, to include age, size and physical activity. If you live or work in a hot or dry environment, you may lose more water through sweat. The more skin is exposed in these environments, the faster hot, dry air will cause body water loss. Additionally, the more you weigh, the more water you need to drink. Focus on replacing the water you lose per day. Adjust the recommended intake upward if you have higher-than-normal fluid loss.

A disposable plastic bottle is typically around 16 ounces, so you would need roughly eight bottles of water for men and six for women. Reusable water bottle sizes vary greatly, but the most common size is around 24 ounces. For these types of bottles, men would need just a little over five bottles and women would need just four bottles of water per day.


  • Continue to avoid eating lunch in groups
  • If you feel symptoms or have been exposed to others with symptoms, inform your supervisor and provide the names of the workers you have been working with.
  • Fever is considered 100.4 per CDC
  • Limit elevator usage when occupied with multiple people and use stairs when possible.
  • If the jobsite closes, take the necessary steps to secure your jobsite, tools and Marek equipment.
  • Health and safety is our first priority. Continue to comply with recommendations especially social distancing.
  • Keep 6 feet of distance between yourself and others and avoid prolonged contact longer than 3 minutes
  • While some cities are issuing a shelter in place, the government/Dallas (and Houston?) cites construction as essential services to our cities’ infrastructure and continued well-being.

