Weekly Toolbox Talk: War on Falls - Stilts
Notice to supervisors: If you are not using stilts on your job, make sure you mention the War on Falls for ladders, lifts, scaffolds, guardrails, and holes. Make sure you also mention the two-day suspension for any fall exposure.
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Turn It Off
When was the last time you saw someone "on the job" also on their phone? In a single day a large number of employees are checking their phones:
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Employee Handbook Part III
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Work on Falls - 3 Keys to Work Safe on Ladders
Grab a ladder. Stand it up and climb. So simple anyone can do it, right?
But if it really were all that simple, 130,000 people wouldn’t get hurt on ladders each year, would they?
Most ladder accidents are caused by improper selection, setup or use, not defects.
Weekly Toolbox Talk: COVID-19 Face Mask
While recent news across the country might be confusing on the use of face mask or not, MAREK’s standard of care will not change at this time. Continue to wear your face covering over your nose and mouth and follow other guidelines.
For example,
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Cold Weather Safety
As the weather becomes “frightful” during winter months, construction workers who must brave the outdoor conditions face the occupational hazard of exposure to the cold. You need to be especially mindful of the weather, its effects on the body, and proper prevention techniques.
Environmental conditions
The following four environmental conditions are the causes of cold-related stress:
Weekly Toolbox Talk: Take Care of Your Feet
Most people don’t think much about their feet, until a foot begins to hurt. Damage to even one bone, ligament, or muscle in the foot can be very painful and make it difficult or impossible for you to keep on your feet and do your job. Unfortunately, statistics tell us that work related foot injuries are common.
Foot injuries can result from: