Accident Prevention

Weekly Toolbox Talk: Sprains and Strains

Sprains and strains continue to be one of the highest types of injuries within our company. By following a few simple rules, many of these injuries can be avoided or their severity greatly reduced. Medical evidence has shown that performing warm-up exercises before work and after breaks reduces strain and sprain type injuries.

These rules are:

Weekly Toolbox Talk: Employee Handbook - Part II

In the event an employee is involved in an accident or sustains an injury while on the job, they must report it to their supervisor immediately regardless of its severity. First aid supplies are normally maintained at jobsites to take care of certain minor injuries. When medical attention is warranted, the supervisor will assist the employee in getting to proper medical facilities.

Weekly Toolbox Talk: Because We Care

At MAREK we care for our employees. Safety is a major role in everybody’s life and doing the right thing for the right reason is the key to our success. We, as a group of employees, must focus on safety and prevention by practicing problem identification and problem solving. To work at MAREK you must care about safety by paying attention to and avoiding hazards.

Weekly Toolbox Talk: War on Falls - Suspension Recap, Zero Tolerance


This zero tolerance means that certain unsafe employee actions will automatically result in suspension from work. So that employees understand what these actions are that will result in suspension, we will recap the WAR ON FALLS safety violations that will result in a minimum two-day suspension.