Fall Protection

Weekly Toolbox Talk: War on Falls - Stilts


Notice to supervisors: If you are not using stilts on your job, make sure you mention the War on Falls for ladders, lifts, scaffolds, guardrails and holes. Make sure you also mention the two-day suspension for any fall exposure. WAR ON FALLS STILTS

Only those employees who have been certified under the company’s stilt policy will be allowed to use stilts.

Weekly Toolbox Talk: Slips, Trips and Falls (Fall Prevention)

Mandatory Topic: Slips, Trips and Falls (Fall Prevention)

Note to Supervisors: Read and prepare. Your objective is to point out the dangers of the most common – AND PREVENTABLE – causes of serious accidents. Explain practices to help avoid these types of accidents. You should hold this meeting on the floor so you can move around and point out and identify possible slip, trip and fall hazards.

Weekly Toolbox Talk: Fall Protection - Equipment and Systems

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Mandatory Topic: Notice to Supervisors & Safety Advisors: Read and prepare for DEMONSTRATION of BODY HARNESS. Make sure all employees understand the importance of wearing a body harness properly, use a volunteer for demonstration.


Weekly Toolbox Talk: Slips, Trips and Falls

Slips, Trips and Falls (Fall Prevention)

We have all experienced slipping, tripping, stumbling or falling.  Usually the only result is that you feel silly, embarrassed, and perhaps got a scrape or bruise.  But falls kill 1,200 people at work a year.  They are the biggest cause of accidental death in the workplace. More than 33,000 people are disabled every year from falling down stairs, while many more people receive other injuries like strains, sprains, and fractures.